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‘The Crown and the Cathedral’ Tour
Tuesdays and Thursdays (September-October), 11:15-12:30*
Discover Canterbury Cathedral’s rich royal heritage while exploring some of its most famous places, and hear stories of royal pomp and ceremony.
From the patronage bestowed by Edward the Black Prince and King Henry IV, to the assistance lavished by King Charles II following the restoration of the monarchy, Canterbury Cathedral has often enjoyed a special relationship with the crown, reflected in the royal tombs and regal artefacts which can be found within.
On this guided tour discover the Black Prince’s tomb, a masterpiece of medieval craftsmanship, and hear how his extravagant funeral and impressive adornments reflected his adventurous life; discover why King Henry IV is the only king to be buried at Canterbury, and learn how his grand tomb hides an awkward burial beneath.
Hear about King Charles II’s return from exile in France, marked by a
service at Canterbury, and followed by his support of the Cathedral’s repairs, evidenced in the Quire and Nave.
Discover modern windows and statues which reflect our present-day relationship with the monarchy and reflect its enduring power and prestige.
£5 per person, plus Cathedral admission charge.
Book at our Visitor Centre on the day of your visit, or email
[email protected] to reserve your space.
* On Thursday 24 October this tour will run 14:15-15:30

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