Planning your visit? Remember to check our closures.
Thursdays 10 & 24 October, 7 November and 5 & 19 December, between 14:15-16:00
Gentle Tour
Join us for a short step-free tour, in a smaller group, delivered at a gentle pace.
The tour is split into two 40-minute sessions, with a comfort break in between.
Ground Floor Level - 14:15
Hear the story of Thomas Becket, our most famous Archbishop, and see the site of his murder and feast your eyes on some of our oldest stained glass windows.
First Floor Level (accessible by lift) - 15:15
Explore the Quire and a ‘Cadaver tomb’, contrast medieval and dramatic modern windows and find out why there is a cannonball in an Archbishop’s tomb!
- Thursday 10 October
- Thursday 24 October
- Thursday 7 November
- Thursday 5 December
- Thursday 19 December.
£5 per person, plus admission charge.
Please note, there is no discount available if you wish to join one session of the tour only.
Book at our Visitor Centre, or reserve your space by emailing [email protected]

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