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Informal Organ Recitals
Fridays 6 September & 4 October, 18:15 in the Quire - after 17:30 Choral Evensong
Join us for our informal organ recitals featuring Cathedral resident organists.
Fri 6 September- Jamie Rogers, Assistant Director of Music *
Fri 4 October- David Newsholme, Director of Music
See programmes and biographies below.
Free and un-ticketed, with a retiring collection.
For more information about these recitals, please email [email protected]
*Please note, this is a rescheduled event, previously advertised as Saturday 7 September.

Friday 6 September, 18:15
Jamie Rogers, Assistant Director of Music at Canterbury Cathedral
Jamie Rogers is Assistant Director of Music at Canterbury Cathedral, where he is principal accompanist to the Cathedral’s choirs, and assists in running all other musical aspects of the Cathedral’s work.
Jamie has performed regularly on BBC Radio 3 and BBC Radio 4, and has maintained an international performance profile alongside his work as a Cathedral musician.
Widor, Allegro, Symphony no.6
J.S Bach, Fugue in e, BWV 548
Walton (arr. Murrill), Crown Imperial
Stanford, Postlude in d
Mozart, Fantasia in f, K 608
Couperin, Offertoire sur les grands jeux, Messe pour les paroisses
Mulet, Tu es Petra, Esquisses Byzantines
Fri 4 October, 18:15
David Newsholme, Director of Music
David Newsholme is Director of Music at Canterbury Cathedral, where he is responsible for training the Cathedral’s choirs, and for all other musical aspects of the Cathedral’s work.
David was educated as a chorister at Worcester Cathedral. He held the organ scholarship at Salisbury Cathedral before studying at New College, Oxford, and at the University of York.
David was Assistant Director of Chapel Music at Winchester College, before moving to Canterbury in 2011 to become Assistant Organist (Assistant Director of Music). In 2014 he became founding Director of the Cathedral Girls’ Choir, before taking up his current post in 2021.
To be confirmed

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