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What might your gift fund?

£5 a month
- The sheet music for a chorister.
- To help fix a new Ashlar stone (a block that is cut to be smooth and square) onto the building.

£10 a month
- The materials used by a Holy Stitcher to embroider and repair vestments, altar linens and frontals from our 2 main altars and 18 side chapels.
- To make a parchment document (many of ours date back to the 9th century) safely accessible in the Archives reading room.

£20 a month
- The cleaning of 1m2 of flat stone, using a poultice to remove the damaging and corrosive build-up.
- The photography of glass under conservation, for posterity.

- A singing lesson for a boy or girl chorister, choral scholar or lay clerk (adult singer).
- The repair of a medieval document’s cracked seal.

- A virger’s work to make an Evensong service possible.
- A rehearsal for our Cathedral Choir with an organist.
- The cutting of glass for a panel of protective glazing on the outside of our precious stained glass windows.

- To resource one of our 18 side chapels so that it can remain in use for private prayer and rotating morning Eucharist.
- The cleaning of a 30cm diameter area of intricately carved historic stone using a 2-3mm laser cleaner.
- The fine art-level conservation of a section of our stained glass windows.
Giving regularly makes a huge difference to the sustainability of Canterbury Cathedral.
Committed monthly and annual gifts are so powerful because they mean that we are able to count on your support, month after month and year after year. They mean that we can plan for the future knowing that your donations are there to help our 1,400 year old story continue into the future.
The effects of the cost of living crisis on our day to day running costs, Brexit on our visitor numbers, and the long shadow cast by the damage done to the Cathedral’s finances by Covid-19 pandemic leave us with a deficit of over £1m a year and a Covid loan of £4m to repay.
Your assured support from as little of £5 a month will mean that we can work towards the true sustainability of this special place.
Thank you.
Can you give £62.50+ a month of £750+ a year?
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