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How can I give an offering
Offertory Envelopes
If you intend giving regularly, you can apply to the Cathedral to receive a numbered envelope. The Fundraising Department will send you a batch of envelopes, each with a number that corresponds to your number on our database. You can put cash or a cheque in one of your envelopes when you attend a service, and put it in the offertory purse. Please contact the Fundraising Department if you are on the Cathedral Roll and would like numbered envelopes.
Text Giving
To make a one-off donation via text:
Text SERVICE to 70560 - Donate £5
Text SERVICE to 70580 - Donate £10
This information is also available in Orders of Service and Pew Sheets.
Cash or Cheque
You are also welcome to put cash or a cheque (in a Gift Aid envelope which can be found at the donation points in the Cathedral, if appropriate) in the service collection, or in one of the general donation boxes throughout the Cathedral.
You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us
2 Corinthians 9:11
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