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Thursday 19 September, 10:30 in the Clagett Auditorium
TALK: ‘Highly Spiced Novelties’? The Anglican Church in All the World
with Canon Tim
We are delighted to welcome The Revd. Dr Tim Naish, Canon Librarian, to speak to Friends.
Canon Tim has lived and worked with the Church in different parts of the Anglican Communion, including south India, Zaire (as it then was) and Uganda. In this talk he’ll combine stories from his experience with bits of the story of the Anglican Church worldwide. He will also reflect on the Anglican Communion today and the challenges it faces, and the place and work of our Cathedral within it. And he will ponder the importance of effective cross-cultural communication in our world, which is where the ‘highly spiced novelties’ come into it…
£10 Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, £15 non-members. Includes tea and coffee.
This event is supported by The Friends of Canterbury Cathedral (Registered Charity No 256575).
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